Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Disney Daze

If you follow me on any social media outlet (tumblr, twitter, instagram, facebook) then you know that I frequent Disneyland quite often. I've been going there avidly ever since I was about 5 years old. I could tell you many of the little nuisances of Disney that most people wouldn't know. 

But unfortunately my love for disneyland is eclipsed by none other than Raych Nguyen, Queen of Disneyland and all the peasants that roam her land and work for her. If Disneyland was a person, it'd be her bitch. I will never forget the time I fainted due to dehydration while waiting in line for the Tower of Terror, causing the wait time to go from 25mins to 60mins. The last thing I remember before passing out was Raych telling me "Don't get sloppy on me" assuming I had a little too much to drink at the bar. The Disney clean up crew removed my lifeless body so fast it was like it didn't happen. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ted I'm a follower from Singapore and I think its great you have a blog now so even though I noticed no one else has commented... keep it up! Love your pics, especially those of Rachel and Olivia!
    -Felicia Tee
